Sunday, March 18, 2018

Be encouraged Children Of Yaacob The Most High has not forgotten you. 

We need to be very encouraged during these days because the father is doing great things for his children i.e. the children of Israel. A lot is  going on in the news, and particularly, a lot is going on in our communities as well. It seems that in the last several years the heat has been turned up against our Hebrew children our young man and our young women.  Drugs have had a trumatic effect in our communities we call this the warfare that has been waged against us as a Hebrew people. The father has promised to give us a redemption and we are very close to that time. we are coming up to the close of our 400th year, after being away from our homeland for thousands of years, but more importantly, being taken captive and brought into the diaspora 400 years ago. Now in 2019 around August 30 will mark the close of that prophetic 400 years for the Hebrew people. That means that the most high is going to gather us, as he promised and take us out of the lands of our captivity, and he’s going to gather us into the wilderness and purify us there. So, as these clouds are showing the brightness of the sun breaking fourth from a very stormy day, so let us take courage as the Hebrew people, for we are about to break forth and emerge as a nation again unto Yah. Shalom!

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