It is bad enough that the United States of America terrorizes other nations, kills the leaders of free countries, and pushes thier "DemonCrafty" (Democracy) agenda in order to opress and gain resources and advantages that do not belong to those who seek after these things. But when this nation fully accepts same-sex marriage, the nations end will surely follow. Since ancient times, no nation has maintained it's power or glory upon accepting and promoting the homosexual agenda. This sends a clear message to Hebrews to "Come out of this Babylon" and also shows how the father will use all of the wicked rulers' craftiness to ensnare and dissasemble them. The homosexuals in high Government down to the common man who embraces the Gay lifestyle may be very excited about this news, but it is a short lived excitment. When standing face-to-face with the King who is King of the Universe, whose commandments have been disregarded and broken, what will the sinner and the ungoldly do?
Hebrews of the Most High look into the Father's word and prepare your hearts and minds in righteousness. Sow good seeds, do good works, Do not be ensnared by the wind of this age because everything you see now will surely pass away. Wasn't ancient Greece a world power at one time? How about Vesuvious? These nations were cut down in the height of thier immoral lifestyle. The Flood of ancient times came because of the same reason. Do not be decieved, The Father is not mocked.
Gay Judge's Ruling on Prop. 8 Upheld
A federal judge ruled Tuesday to uphold Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to strike down California's same-sex marriage ban.
Walker had presided over the case involving two same-sex couples who filed a lawsuit against Proposition 8. The marriage amendment was passed by a majority of California voters in November 2008.
In August 2010, Walker ruled against the voter-approved measure, saying in his 136-page opinion, "Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians.
"The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples."
The ruling was a blow to traditional marriage advocates. Proponents of Proposition 8 argued that this is about democracy and respecting the people's vote, more than anything.
After the ruling, Walker retired from the U.S. District Court of Northern California earlier this year. He served 21 years as a federal judge. The case was reassigned to Judge Ware.
He then opened up about his sexuality in April, confirming what the public already knew, that he was gay. Media reports revealed that he has been in a same-sex relationship for 10 years.
Walker has argued that his being in a relationship was irrelevant to his decision to strike down Proposition 8 and did not think it was appropriate to recuse himself from the case.
To do so, Walker said, would be to go down a slippery slope where judges must recuse themselves from a judicial matter because of one’s race, gender or nationality.
But Proposition 8 proponents say he should have recused himself or at least disclosed his relationship.
"This is something he had a vested interest in,” Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, said.
Ware, however, said in his decision Tuesday, "Although this case was filed by same-sex couples seeking to end a California constitutional restriction on their right to marry, all Californians have an equal interest in the outcome of the case. The single characteristic that Judge Walker shares with the Plaintiffs, albeit one that might not have been shared with the majority of Californians, gave him no greater interest in a proper decision on the merits than would exist for any other judge or citizen."
Since Walker’s decision on Prop. 8, traditional marriage proponents from have appealed the decision to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court is currently awaiting a ruling from the California Supreme Court to decide whether Proposition 8 proponents have the legal right to defend the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage in lieu of the governor and state's attorney general.
The state Supreme Court will likely decide the issue of standing by the end of this year.